Bidding Opportunities

Sale of Surplus Property

Invitations for Bids

Request for Proposals/Qualifications

Construction Projects Currently Available for Bid  (Click the picture below)

The City of Goshen Public Works and Utilities uses Quest CDN’s online plan room. Potential bidders are able to download plans and specifications and addendums from the site, view bidders lists, and review the bid summary online.

To be a plan holder, you will need to setup a free account at When projects become available for bid, they can be downloaded for a nominal fee of $15.00 each. 

To find a City of Goshen project in the QuestCDN system, the City will include the Quest CDN project number in the Notice to Bidders.

If at any time you need assistance setting up your free account or downloading plans, please call Quest CDN at (952) 233.1632 or email