Emergency Response Team
Elkhart County S.W.A.T
The Goshen E.R.T. consisted of thirteen operators all specializing in specific weapons and responsibilities. E.R.T. worked jointly with all other special units of the Goshen Police Dept to include K-9, negotiators, patrol rifles, or other agencies. In 2019, the Goshen E.R.T. led by Captain Matthew Shultz combined with additional area agency in the creation of the Elkhart County S.W.A.T.
S.W.A.T. is not a full time position with the Goshen Police Department. Each officer has a full time duty or job on the police department whether it be patrolman, detective, School officer, etc. S.W.A.T. members perform this job above and beyond their normal duties and are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Each S.W.A.T. operator has to have at least two years on the police department, pass physical standards, be interviewed for the position and a 90% shooting accuracy requirement.